Just posted a couple of slide shows at the bottom of the page. If you click it, it will go to the album, or there are buttons that appear in the lower right corner to scroll through them. The "cakes" are in no particular order, and are from both me just making them and also from cake decorating class. the "other goodies" slide show has other things from school or work and whatnot that obviously aren't cakes. please do not post comments on photobucket, since i will probably not get them. post them on here, or maybe i will make another section for posting or discussions and things. in the mean time, enjoy the images! they are what i want you to see, because, after all, it is my own work!
on another note, if you are on facebook and like what you see, please become a fan! more likely than not, i post new pictures there first, so this page gets them a little later. it also usually gets updated, and has more status updates, letting everyone know what i am up to next. so check it out!!