So summer has come and gone, and with the beginning of fall, I had a wedding cake! a friend of mine at work asked me to do this, along with a pile of truffles! It ended up a four tier cake, the layers being vanilla, marble, chocolate and vanilla (top to bottom) with whipped cream icing.
Needless to say, whipped cream icing was a field trip! Its delicious, but kind of weird to work with. It didnt want to stick to the cake at times, and the texture was weird, and obviously since its not stabilized it had to be chilled...AAhhh!!
Oh well. It was a learning experience. At least its really easy to make!
This was also my first cake that actually involved the use of gum paste! I love making gum paste roses. Theyre so pretty. I tried to put some luster dust sparkles on them but you cant really see it well. The ribbons were also gum paste. They really made the cake overall. Without them....haha it would still be delicious at least!
Well, I suppose this is all I have for now. There are more pictures uploaded below to the albums, as usual. Some nice details of the roses! Until next time, enjoy!